Streamlining Your Workflow with Digital Minimalism
An blog to help you increase focus, reduce distraction, love the work your do.
How to Avoid Digital Burnout as a Remote Worker
The Monday Struggle Mondays are a real struggle for me when it comes to sticking to my planned schedule. More often than not, I find myself working...
Scope Creep: The Silent Killer of Project Success – 4 Ways How to Prevent it from Happening
In the digital age, companies often move so fast that the requirements of a projects are not well defined at the outset. We throw out terms like...
How To Prioritize Essential Tasks For Better Remote Business Operations
As a small business owner, it can be tempting to try to do everything yourself and to adopt every new tool and technology to optimize your remote...
6 Tips To Help You Focus When Working Remotely
Working from home can be a great way to save money and get your work done. However, it can be challenging to stay focused when you're not in the...